Street Department
The Petersburg Street Department Office is located across from City Hall
Office Phone - (217) 632-2195
Office Address - 214 E. Jackson Street
Petersburg, IL 62675
Mailing Address - P.O. Box 139
Petersburg, IL 62675
email -
Street Superintendent - Brian Whitehurst

Street Department
Frequently Asked Questions
Yard waste
The Petersburg Street Department picks up residential yard waste within City limits on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Tree limbs and brush cuttings may be placed at curbside and shall not exceed 40 lbs or 8 feet in length. All yard waste must be placed in PAPER bags only. Bags shall not exceed 40 lbs. No loose material, brick, block, lumber, construction material, trash, tires, appliances, ashes, plastic bags of any kind or any material other than yard waste will be picked up. The City crews will not pick up tree cuttings/ limbs placed by COMMERCIAL tree cutting companies.