
Listed below are local places of worship in the City of Petersburg.  If your religious location is not listed and you would like for it to be included on this website, simply give us a call and we will be happy to add it to the list below.



Churches:                                                    Worship:                                           Website:

Bethlehem Lutheran Church                 Saturday 600pm                              bethlehempetersburg.org

120 W. Monroe                                          Sunday 1000am

Petersburg, IL


Central Presbyterian Church                Sunday School 930am                     central-pres.org

210 W. Douglas                                        Sunday 1030am

Petersburg, IL


First Baptist Church                              Sunday School 930am                     www.fbcpetersburgil.com

103 W. Sangamon Ave.                          Sunday 1045am

Petersburg, IL 


First Christian Church                           Sunday 1000am                             

210 S. 8th Street

Petersburg, IL


Petersburg Church of Christ                 Sunday 1000am                                church-of-christ.org

701 S. 12th Street           

Petersburg, IL  


St. Peter Catholic Church                    Saturday 430pm                                 petersburgcatholics.com

711 S. 6th Street                                     Sunday 800am 

Petersburg, IL


United Methodist Church                     Sunday at 800am                               petersburgchurch.com

221 Jackson Street                                 Sunday at 1030am

Petersburg, IL